ai writing software

5 Best AI Writing Software Tools (June 2023)

Finding the best AI writing software can be tough because the AI software world is moving so fast. 

It seems that every day, there is a new one that has a unique twist on all the amazing AI writing tools that already exist. 

Never fear! Our AI writing software reviews are here! 

All the AI writing tools serve different functions so you want to pick the right one for the right job. We hope this guide makes your life a little easier.

So who has the best AI writing software?

Excellent question! We had hard time choosing between the best options out there because they are all different and they all do some unique things very well.

We listed the five best, along with some notes about each one to help you understand what makes them unique.

Without further ado, here are the top five AI writing software tools on the market today!

copy ai writing software

Copy AI

CopyAI is an AI-powered copywriting tool that can help you generate high-quality, effective copy quickly and easily.

With CopyAI, you can say goodbye to writer’s block, missed deadlines and stale copy.

Instead, you’ll have access to a legion of copywriters who can help you craft copy that converts. It’s no wonder that over 100,000 people have already signed up!

(Also, just for fun, the text above was edited using their AI writing software 😉)

There’s a lot to love about this AI writing software. It has an intuitive interface, flexibility with the AI text content it produces and it even comes with some great prompts!

Try Copy AI for free here.

The interface will be familiar if you have checked out any other AI writing software tools. 

It’s clean and intuitive. Everything you need to access is clearly labeled and easily accessible from the sidebar menu. 

One of the best features of Copy AI is the suggestions. They give you tips and ideas about how to use their product. Very helpful!

copy ai writing software pricing

The Copy AI pricing is fair and straightforward. You can use the free version to get started.

The quick demo video below gives a great breakdown on all the things that are possible.

Things To Like About Copy AI

  • Pre-loaded with tools and prompts

    There are over 90 tools and prompts to help you with all of your AI content writing needs.

  • Easy to use and understand

    You don't need to know anything special about AI, or even computers in general to have Copy AI solve problems for you.

  • Plenty of output options

    You will get several options for each output and you can request more options or something different with ease.

The free version will get you started with no obligation. Try it with this link: Take me to Copy AI

content at scale ai writing software

Content At Scale 

Content At Scale is another robust AI writing software tool. 

(Click the orange button to get 20% off any plan you purchase.)

Their official company description does a great job of explaining how they are different:

Scale Your SEO Content Without the Pain of Human Work: Long-Form, Original, Undetectable SEO Blogs for Any Niche in Minutes

They address two major concerns with AI right off the bat. 

    1. Some are concerned that Google (and other search engines) will detect AI written content and demote or ban websites that use it.
    2. The speed at which SEO content can be created.

Content At Scale solves both of these problems with their unique content creator, and the speed at which they can crank out content for you. 

There is no other way to get content of this quality. It includes internal and external links to credible sources, QA schema, SEO optimization, embedded tweets, key takeaways, a table of contents, and high levels of accuracy and quality. It is even better than the work of a well-rated native speaker, and it bypasses AI detection.

Here are some of the specific features that make this content so high-quality:

  • Internal and external links to credible sources: This shows that the author has done their research and is not just making things up.
  • QA schema: This makes it easy for search engines to index the content and understand what it is about.
  • SEO optimization: This helps to ensure that the content is seen by as many people as possible.
  • Embedded tweets: This allows the author to share their content with a wider audience.
  • Key takeaways: This makes it easy for readers to quickly understand the main points of the content.
  • Table of contents: This makes it easy for readers to find the information they are looking for.
  • High levels of accuracy and quality: This means that the content is free of errors and is well-written.

All of these features make this content superior to the work of a well-rated native speaker. Additionally, the fact that it bypasses AI detection means that it is not simply a machine-generated text. This makes it a valuable resource for anyone who is looking for high-quality content.

See this video for a deep dive on what Content At Scale can do for you.

Things To Like About Content At Scale

  • Undetectable by search engines

    The content is human enough to pass detection by the search engines.

  • Ideal for companies that need to scale

    Using Content At Scale is like having a few extra employees cranking out high-quality content every day.

  • Fair pricing

    Their pricing is affordable for anyone, even if you are a beginner at your current thing.

Claim your 20% discount with this link: Take me to Content At Scale


Writesonic is an AI writing tool that helps users create high-quality content in a fraction of the time.

It can be used to generate blog posts, articles, social media posts, email and more!

Writesonic is powered by artificial intelligence that learns and improves over time. It is an ideal tool for businesses and individuals who need to produce high-quality content on a regular basis.

But that’s not all…

Chatsonic (a browser plugin from Writesonic) is a powerful tool that can help you save time and be more productive.

It can help you with a variety of tasks, from finding information to creating content.

If you’re looking for a way to improve your productivity, Chatsonic is a great option.

  • Skip scouring the Google search for answers. Chatsonic can help you find the information you need quickly and easily. It can even answer your questions in a conversational way, so you can have a real-time conversation with the AI.
  • Generate high-quality emails. Chatsonic can help you write emails that are clear, concise, and persuasive. It can also summarize long email threads so you can quickly get to the important information.
  • Create unique tweets. Chatsonic can help you create tweets that are engaging and informative. It can also help you increase engagement with your tweets by automatically generating replies and summaries.
  • Write thought-provoking LinkedIn posts. Chatsonic can help you write LinkedIn posts that are interesting and informative. It can also help you personalize your invites and respond to messages instantly.
  • Create unique content anywhere on Chrome. With the Chatsonic extension, you can create unique content anywhere on Chrome. You can paraphrase, rewrite, and generate text, images, and code.

Chatsonic can be used for BOTH text and images. Check out the full overview in the short video below.

Try Writesonic for free here

Here are some of the key features of Writesonic that make it one of the best AI writing software tools.

  • 100+ AI templates: Writesonic offers over 100 AI templates that can be used to create different types of content.
  • 25+ languages: Writesonic can generate content in over 25 languages.
  • Landing page generator: Writesonic can create landing pages that are ready to launch in seconds.
  • AI article writer: Writesonic can instantly create 3000-word blog posts that are SEO-optimized.
  • Sonic Editor: Writesonic’s Sonic Editor is a Google Docs-like editor that offers AI-powered suggestions and corrections.
  • Bulk processing: Writesonic can automate the creation of content in bulk.

What about Writesonic versus 

Well, it wouldn’t be any fun unless there was some trash talking amongst the AI writing software competitors, right? 😜

Here’s what the Writesonic folks have to say about Copy AI. 

We aren’t taking sides here. Both tools are great in their own ways as far as we are concerned! 

Things To Like About Writesonic

  • ChatSonic Chrome Extension

    No need to open another browser window. Use it from where you are.

  • Versatile for all types of users

    Writers, eCommerce stores, marketing agencies, name it, Writesonic works for them.

  • Content that converts

    The Writesonic AI model has been trained specifically with content that converts, so that's what you'll get.

The free version will get you started with no obligation. Try it with this link: Take me to Writesonic

INK Editor

INK is an AI writing tool that can help you write like a human.

With its emotional approach, it avoids repetitive and robotic language to deliver clear and concise messages.

This makes it perfect for those who want to create content that reads smoothly and is accessible to all readers regardless of their reading level.

Whether you’re looking to improve your blog posts, social media updates, or any other type of content, INK has got you covered!

INK is available with both free and paid plans. Try it for free and see what you think!

This quick video will give you a good overview of what’s possible with INK, and what makes them different from the other AI writing software tools out there.

INK has many valuable features, such as:

  • AI Writing: INK’s AI writing feature can generate text for a variety of purposes, including social media posts, product descriptions and blog posts.
  • SEO Optimizer: INK’s SEO optimizer provides real-time suggestions to help your articles rank higher on search engines.
  • Grammar Checker: INK’s grammar checker can help you identify and correct grammar errors in your writing.
  • Readability Analyzer: INK’s readability analyzer can help you make your writing more readable and engaging.
  • Style Guide: INK’s style guide can help you ensure that your writing is consistent with a specific style guide, such as APA or MLA.

For an example of what INK can do with SEO content, check the video below.

Things To Like About INK AI

  • INK SEO Optimizer

    INK's SEO Optimizer tool is great for creating search engine friendly content.

  • Keyword research tool

    The days of expensive keyword research tools and hours of research are over. Let INK handle it.

  • Create images by writing a description

    Text to image technology is next-level stuff. INK does a great job with AI images created from text.

Try INK for free here.

shakespeare AI writing software


Shakespeare is an AI writing tool that helps users write better, faster and more effectively. It does this by using a variety of AI-powered features, including:

Summarization: Shakespeare can summarize complex content into a few sentences, making it easier to understand and remember.

Rephrasing: Shakespeare can rephrase text in a different way, making it more engaging and persuasive.

AI copywriting prompts: Shakespeare provides a library of AI-powered copywriting prompts that can help users write better marketing materials, email campaigns and other types of content.

The Shakespeare AI team put together a short video to showcase all their features. Check it out!

You can try Shakespeare for free here.

One of the best features of Shakespeare is explained in this video. There’s plenty more to it, but this is a good example of the power of Shakespeare AI.

Here’s how you can write a blog post in two minutes! 

Things To Like About Shakespeare AI

  • Hyper-personalized targeting

    Uncover hidden segments and scale fast with cognitive, data-driven AI models.

  • Automate the creation part of your content efforts

    Create incredible, dynamic, hyper-personalized imagery and text using the world’s most powerful creative automation AI.

  • Real-time optimization of your content

    Watch your marketing performance soar with our automated, cross-platform optimization feedback loop.

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